Sunday, June 21, 2015

First Disc Competition!

A couple weekends ago I attended my first disc competition in PA. We had some trouble getting registered with the host club, but the event was awesome. We weren't prepared at all for the distance/accuracy part so no points were scored unfortunately. I think my person was too nervous and caught off guard with being required to complete it that her throws were more terrible than usual! BOL.
We were prepared for freestyle, however, and rocked it! Lucky for us there was no wind and no rain. I caught most of the discs and didn't mess up my overs and unders. Yeah!!
We are working on vaults for future competitions. Can't wait.

I won first place in the novice division! 


Thursday, April 30, 2015

I'm a U DOG!

If you're a Chicago local you may have seen me on TV this month, on WCIU. I was chosen as one of the U Dogs for April, which means I had a ten second promo spot featured randomly between programs. I got to do anything I wanted for the camera, so I showed them all my tricks and let them decide what to use. It was fun!

I had to wait an extremely long time (18 months!) for my name to come up on the list. Apparently there are a lot of dogs in Chicago that want to be on TV. The shoot was quick and easy. Here are some stills from my promo.

You can check out the video here! 
